How Do I Install a Carseat with Inflatable Seat Belts?
Using a carseat with inflatable seat belts can be frustrating because not many carseat manufacturers allow their seats to be installed with this type of seat belt. While it’s a great safety feature for belt-positioning booster seat riders and adults, the way the airbag deploys may cause structural damage to the carseat.
Let’s first define what an inflatable seat belt is so you know it when you see it. It’s a type of seat belt found in the back seat that has an airbag built in to the shoulder portion of the seat belt. It will be clearly labeled and is a hefty seat belt—you’ll know it’s an inflatable seat belt because it’s about ¼ inch thick and the latchplate (the metal male end of the seat belt that plugs into the buckle) is very differently shaped. Here are some pics of the Ford Motor Company inflatable seat belts:

Mercedes has their own inflatable seat belts they call “Beltbags.” They look like this:

While there are some carseat manufacturers that allow installation with Ford inflatable seat belts, none allow installation with Mercedes Beltbags. If you want a carseat to install with the Mercedes Beltbags, you’ll have to purchase a Mercedes carseat directly through the dealership. They have very low weight and height limits and will be outgrown very quickly.
There are also inflatable seat belts on airplanes (I know! You can’t escape them!). They can be found on some business/first class seats and on some bulkhead seats. When making reservations and using a carseat, it’s best to call the airline you’re flying to see if you’ll be encountering inflatable seat belts since their use is prohibited with all carseats.
Can I Install My Carseat with Inflatable Seat Belts?
It will be written in the owner’s manual for the carseat and/or on the manufacturer’s FAQ. In the owner’s manual, there’s a section covering seat belts and that’s where you’ll find information on inflatable seat belt allowance. If a manufacturer’s policy on inflatable seat belts is mentioned in the carseat’s owner’s manual, they don’t feel it’s necessary to also mention it on their website FAQ. You may have to call some directly with questions. And some carseats, like the Evenflo Revolve360 Extend, allow the use of inflatable seat belts only in certain modes of use, in this case, the belt-positioning booster mode.
So Where Does that Leave You with Installing Your Carseat with Inflatable Seat Belts?
If your carseat can be installed with inflatable seat belts, read the vehicle manual to understand how they work. I have a brief overview of how they work here, but what you’ll be doing is locking the retractor for the lap portion of the seat belt. There are 2 retractors: one for the shoulder portion and one for the lap portion. Once you’ve routed the seat belt through the belt path on the carseat, pull up on the lap portion of the seat belt to the end.
As the seat belt retracts, you should hear a clicking sound which tells you the retractor has switched to locking mode. Feed the seat belt into the retractor and get it as tight as you can. It’s OK to put your knee in the seat if you have to; you’re not going to break the carseat. You want less than 1″ of movement when you tug on the carseat at the belt path.
If you’re installing a forward-facing carseat, be sure to attach the top tether.
Remember, with this type of seat belt, the shoulder belt doesn’t lock, except in emergencies, so you’re looking for the lap belt to stay tightly locked on the carseat.
What If Your Carseat Doesn’t Allow Installation with Inflatable Seat Belts?
Install it with LATCH. But be aware that the lower LATCH connectors have weight limits, so once your child reaches those weight limits for rear- and forward-facing, you’ll have to switch to using the seat belt for installation. The weight limits are listed on the LATCH installation labels on the side of the carseat and in the carseat owner’s manual.
If you can’t use LATCH or the seat belt, you can try a different seating position in the vehicle. The center of the back seat doesn’t have an inflatable seat belt, nor do the 3rd row seat belts if you have a 3rd row.
Inflatable seat belts present a special challenge when it comes to carseats. If you have them, do a little research before you buy your next carseat to make sure you buy a carseat that can be used with them. All manufacturers have their owner’s manuals online now or have their policies listed in their FAQs (if available), and they all are very good about answering their social media inquiries. Armed with knowledge, installing a carseat with inflatable seat belts doesn’t have to be a daunting experience!